The future of fitness is now! H.I.G.T

Laws of leanness, Richard Seymour's/Fit School:

Unless you’re involved in this business full-time, you tend to adopt certain exercises and do them over and over again, to the exclusion of all others. We tend to adopt the same habits in other aspects of our lives. We tend to eat at the same restaurants, frequent the same stores, and call the same girls at 2:00 in the morning after we’ve had a few too many drinks.

We are creatures of habit. In training, though, it’s imperative that we break out of these ruts. We have to try new movements or try different ways of doing the same old movements. Variety is not only the spice of life; it’s the main ingredient in losing fat & building the lean muscular body you want.

My clients my fighters and myself have one thing in common. Our conditioning can never be questioned! To achieve this I employ my H.I.G.T (high intensity group training) and the principles that make it effective three times per week. Full body fitness, heavy & intense....think you can hang?

* 3 sets per group, exercises performed back> to back>. 30 sec max rest between sets. Increase in weight for each exercise each set. Our goal is to recruit type two fibers. Rep range 4-12 on Training days #1 & #3. Rep range 4-8 on training day #2 (heavy weight & only two exercises performed in a group)

Group one: Focus muscle-chest, secondary-shoulders...

flat bench dumbell presses legs elevated off floor> seated front dumbell shoulder raises. standing dumbell side lateral raises> standing dumbell upright row.
*Now rest 30 seconds, increase weight repeat*

Group two: Primary muscle-shoulder, secondary-chest...

seated military dumbell press> incline bench press> 45lb plate shoulder shrugs> shoulder tri set superset ( grab ten lb plates hold one in each hand, seated one arm at a time perform 6 fast yet controlled front raises then side raises. repeat with left arm. Now perform six bent over lateral shoulder raises)
*Now rest 30 seconds, increase weight repeat*

Group three: Primary muscle-Biceps, secondary-triceps..phaseing out chest and shoulders

Standing barbell curl> tri cep kick back> incline finger tip push ups. ( when performing push ups mix up your hand & feet positions to hit the chest and shoulder muscle's at different angles, have a partner place a weight plate on your back for added intensity)*Now rest 30 seconds, increase weight repeat*

Group four: Primary muscle-triceps, secondary-biceps.....

Tricep cable press down> pull up> push up> weighted speed punches ( grab two five pound weights, hold one in each hand. Now take a fighters stance and throw left right punches fast for 30 seconds )*Now rest 30 seconds, increase weight repeat*

Group five: Primary muscle-quads, secondary-back...

barbell deep squats> pull ups> 45lb plate ulternet lunge.*Now rest 30 seconds, increase weight repeat*

Group six: Primary muscle-hamstrings, secondary-back....

Bent over barbell row> stiff legged dead lift> dumbbell or kettle ball one arm squat & press.*Now rest 30 seconds, increase weight repeat*

On training days #1 & #3 following this workout we complete abdominal work. Remember your abs have been worked in every exercise you just performed so they are fatigued. So we hit them briefly, but with intensity and from angles.


Get Shredded With These 7 Tips

1. You must consume six to seven meals per day.
2. Protein should be the foundation of your diet as the significance of protein to muscle during dieting cannot be overstated. A maximum of 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight is recommended.
3. Approximately one-sixth of your daily protein should be consumed during each meal.
4. Be consistent – meet your protein requirements every day!
5. Keep fat consumption relatively constant throughout your diet.
6. Try cycling your carbohydrate intake to keep your energy levels high and preserve muscle. Spend 2 to 3 days on each carbohydrate range before switching.

•Low-carbohydrate days = 0.5 – 1.0 grams per pound of bodyweight.
•Medium-carbohydrate days = 1.5 – 1.75 grams per pound of bodyweight.
•High-carbohydrate days = 2.5 – 3.5 grams per pound of bodyweight.
7. Carbohydrate consumption should taper off throughout the day. The last meal of the day should not contain any carbohydrates.

How many people blame their genetic pre-disposition on their slow metabolism?

Or, how many people say that their partner can take off weight easily when they work harder and still stay stagnant because of their metabolism? By having these foods in the right portions and at the right times of the day, you’ll be helping yourself in your own weight-loss, muscle-gain ventures.

1. Blueberries
2. Almonds
3. Whey Protein
4. Salmon
5. Psyllium Husk
6. Spinach
7. Turkey
8. Oatmeal
9. Water
10. Green Tea

Conclusion: Believe me; if you include any (preferably all) of these foods in your daily eating plan, your body will thank you with extra energy and longevity. There aren’t many foods out there that can help keep you fit AND healthy, but these 10 are a great start. Keep reading ABFITT, train using my H.I.G.T and most important, believe in yourself.

Boxing & resistance training

A boxing training program must focus on reactive power, power endurance, muscular endurance, anaerobic endurance and aerobic endurance.

Boxing is unique in that, unlike most team and individual sports, competition events are limited during the year. The majority of the annual plan is spent on preparatory training phases planned so that the boxer is at a physical peak for the fight. Amateur boxing consists of a greater number of competitive bouts in the year, so periodization of the training program may look quite different.

Boxers use both aerobic and anaerobic energy pathways during a single bout and must be able to tolerate high levels of blood lactate and a high heart rate (1). Both VO2max and anaerobic threshold have been related to performance in the ring (2) with aerobic endurance playing a greater role in the professional sport.

Training should develop both the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. Boxers must also be able to react quickly and powerfully to an opponent's attack. A boxing training program that consists entirely of strength endurance training (such a classic circuit training routine), fails to adequately develop the reactive power important in the sport.

Finally, agility and reaction time are vital components of a boxers armoury. Foot and hand speed, reactive power and hand-eye co-ordination can all be significantly improved with proper conditioning.

Conclusion..High intensity group training will build both power & endurance to maximize your boxing skills.

Richard Seymour's / Fit

More activity doesn’t always equal more results! There is such a thing as “overtraining”.

Focus on working out smarter, not harder!

Listen up Boxers!!! You dont need all that road work, it's outdated old school science. H. I. G. T. builds fighters. not long boring road work, sorry rocky.

You don’t build or grow muscle while you are working out. When you are resting and getting proper nutrition, this is when the magic of muscle growth happens.

Proper Supplementation is essential! You need adequate protein, and protein shakes are a great way to consume the right amount of protein.

If you don’t get proper protein intake, all of your weight training will go down the drain.

Listen, too much cardio burns muscle! muscle is your key to getting and staying lean.

Kicking The Cardio Habit

Kicking The Cardio Habit
The HARDEST thing for some to learn and to actualy believe, is how ineffective, and even counter-productive steady-state cardio is for fat and weight loss.

After about 45 minutes of steady-state cardio, you have used all your available glycogen stores (your body converts carbohydrates into glycogen, a fuel used by your brain and muscles). Your body starts looking for more fuel, and guess where it goes? TO YOUR MUSCLE!!! It starts to chomp and chew on your fat-burning, metabolism-boosting MUSCLE as fuel for the rest of the boring cardio you’re making it do!!!

A rule of thumb: After 45 minutes…WALK AWAY from the treadmill. You cannot afford to lose any muscle. Your muscle is what burns up your fat and makes you lean. Remember—the amount of muscle you have influences your resting metabolic rate (RMR). The more muscle you have, the higher your RMR, and the more calories you will burn just going about your day! When you do excessive steady-state cardio, you lower your RMR, and you will have a VERY hard time losing fat and weight. The more you run….the more muscle you strip away…the lower your metabolism goes….the harder it is for you to burn any fat. It’s a BUMMER! Your just a victim of SKINNEY FAT!!

This is why you see the same people at the gym, running on the treadmill, riding a bike, climbing a stair-stepper, every day, every week, not making any changes…They still look the same. They do not look incredible. They never look different.

With steady-state cardio, you are burning calories, but only while you are DOING the cardio. Once you stop your exercise, that’s it. When you do an H.I.G.T workout, you jack up your metabolism, creating a fiery furnace that is going to burn insane amounts of fat and calories—not only DURING the workout, but for up to FORTY-EIGHT hours AFTER the workout!!! That means, you are burning calories all day long for up to 2 whole days after the workout, just sitting on the couch, sleeping…whatever! Talk about efficiency!!!

Do interval training for your workouts—not slow, boring cardio. Period.

The resistance training with multi-joint bodyweight is FAR superior to any single-joint movement or machine exercise you can do. You are stressing major muscle groups—lots of them at the same time. Your body is working incredibly hard during the workout because of all the muscles you are incorporating, AND after the workout, it is working incredibly hard to repair all the muscles you have damaged! Work your whole body at once and burn massive fat and calories all at once! With single-joint movements, you are doing one little muscle at a time…taking TONS of your time, that you might not have to spare!!

The idea with your workouts is to do MORE work in LESS time. Work harder and smarter! This is really the key of the whole thing. You are being more effective—getting faster and better results, and you are spending a fraction of the time to do it!!! H.I.G.T and others training programs are certainly the future of fitness and the key to life long weight control and health.

Nutrition Is The Single Most Important Key To Your Success

Nutrition Is The Single Most Important Key To Your Success
If you want to lose fat and weight, you have got to get a handle on the nutrition. There is no way around it. Once you do, you will start to have amazing results. Have you heard that “abs are made in the kitchen?” The nutrition counts for 90% of your results!! It is THAT important. You cannot train out of a bad diet.

“Low-fat” and “non-fat” on labels doesn’t necessarily mean it’s healthy! Many times these seemingly nutritious foods are packed with sugar and high-fructose corn syrup, and are loaded with calories.

Your body actually needs fat—the RIGHT kinds of HEALTHY fats like you find in raw nuts, olive oil, avocados, natural peanut butter, fish and fish oils, etc. When you eat these healthy fats in moderation, you actually help your body to become lean!

When you are not eating enough calories, you are slowing your metabolism. Your body thinks it is starving and it starts to burn up your valuable muscle as fuel! Muscle is what MAKES your body lean, so you do not want to lose any of it! It takes a lot of calories and energy just to maintain your muscle. You burn calories without trying—just because the muscle is there!!

Also, when you eat 5-6 smaller meals per day (as opposed to the traditional “3 squares”), you are constantly spending calories on digestion and absorption of all those meals! Food has a thermic effect. Protein is hard for your body to digest, so it has the highest thermic effect. Next comes carbohydrates, followed by fats. You should try to combine a lean protein, a healthy carbohydrate and healthy fat in each meal.

Don’t skip meals, either! You need to eat breakfast, first thing in the morning to get your metabolism cooking! When you go without breakfast, your metabolism is running too slow. You are not stoking the fire to start your fat burning for the day. Your body, AGAIN, will look for energy elsewhere. You haven’t fueled with food, so it will start breaking down your muscle!! You lower your metabolism, and it will make it much easier for you to gain fat in the future!!

Is running on a treadmill making you fat?

Slow, Boring Cardio is Actually Counter-Productive!
The more you run…the more you HAVE to run to continue to get results. Your body will make adjustments and get used to doing the same work over and over. You get good at it, and it gets easier, and your body doesn’t change with “easy.”

Also, after about 45-60 minutes of cardio, your body has used up its glycogen stores and begins to look for more fuel. It begins to break down your muscle!! You DO NOT WANT TO LOSE ANY MUSCLE!! The muscle is what keeps your resting metabolic rate high! Your muscle causes your metabolism to burn fat while you sit or sleep! It takes much more energy to sustain muscle than it does to sustain fat.

When you have poor nutrition, coupled with excessive cardio, you get that gross “skinny-fat” look. Your body uses up its lean muscle mass to keep you fueled for your long runs, and you decrease your RMR, making it harder for you to lose any more body fat. The more muscle you lose, the lower your RMR will go. When you start eating again, you will store fat like crazy!!! Not a good scenario, and EXACTLY what I was doing. Also, when you do steady-state cardio, you only burn calories while you are running and maybe 1-2 hours after the run. Not a very good return for all that work…

YOU SHOULD BE DOING INTERVAL TRAINING! When you do a tough interval workout, you jack up your metabolic rate and it stays elevated for up to 48 hours AFTER the workout!! A much better payoff than the 1-2 hours RMR elevation that the boring cardio is giving you…Intervals are hard! Your body has to work much harder than when you are running at a steady state.

When you do intervals, you warm up for a few minutes at a slow speed, then you sprint for a minute at a high intensity for you, then you walk or do a slow jog for a minute, and keep repeating this cycle for 10-20 minutes. (Intervals can be done using any exercise, by the way—bodyweight circuits, walking, swimming, riding a bike, etc…Just make sure you go low intensity-high intensity-low-high, etc)

This type of workout is hard for your body to do! The havoc it creates in your body causes an increase in your RMR because your body has to work so hard not only to do the workout, but to recover from it. When you feel the muscle soreness and the exhaustion after the workout, it is because you have broken down your muscles and damaged them.

The recovery process, where your body is rebuilding those muscles, is when the fat burning is happening! Your RMR has to increase to handle the rough task of repairing the damaged muscle. You continue to burn calories from this increase, long after the workout is over—the key to getting that lean and ripped body you want!

Incorporate Resistance Training

You Have to Incorporate Resistance Training
The more muscle you build, the higher your RMR will be, and the more calories you will burn every day! When your RMR is high, you will burn fat easily. Guard that muscle! Don’t let your body use it as fuel instead of good, nutritious food!

DO WHOLE BODY, MULTI-JOINT MOVEMENTS! It is a waste of time to do single-joint movements (crunches, arm curls, leg extensions, etc.) You will accomplish much more in a fraction of the time by incorporating whole-body training, and working multiple muscle groups at the same time.

When you do an intense, whole body workout, using exercises like dead lifts, squats, clean and press, pull-ups, pushups, lunges, etc, you are using every muscle in your body! HARD! Your body has to work HARD to recover from a workout like this. It is much more work than the wimpy single-joint workouts that most people are doing at the gym! In the same way the intervals increase your RMR, the whole body workouts increase your RMR and keep it increased for MUCH longer after your workout!

When you are trying to get a nice set of six-pack abs, ab exercises are the least of your worries! Remember: Abs are made in the kitchen. If you taking care of your nutrition and keeping your metabolism “stoked,” the abs will begin to show. The abs come from getting your body lean, not from crunches!!

You do not have to spend HOURS in the gym! My workouts can be done in 45 minutes 3 days a week.