I remind myself daily of my good fortune and blessings, I remind myself that because as a child I had a mother and father that loved me and instilled in me very valuable tools for life and for achieving. As I start each new day I ask myself these six simple yet defining questions whenever a new challenge presents itself. I call this "My six."
1) My cause- Notice I didn't say goal, for some simply saying "My goal is" becomes to routine and easy. I like to have a plan on how to achieve. This is a huge driving force in my life. I believe in achieving. Attacking any task simply allows for success and reward. So I never say "My goal".
2) My passion- Fitness and competition are without a doubt a strong passion that I have. My health is my greatest possession. I cherish it and thrive on discovering new ways to achieve overall physical and mental health. My years after professional boxing have been filled with educating others in the benefits of a fitness lifestyle.
3) My diet- Food is fuel, plain and simple. Without a doubt you are what you put in your body. The reflexion in the mirror is all the proof of this you need. I enjoy cheating with tasty treats, however ultimately I stay true to eating clean.
4) My workout- For anyone that reads my site regularly, you know the answer to this. My training preference is my H.I.G.T ( high intensity group training ) program. Heavy weight, multiple exercises, up to four performed back to back with little to no rest. I still box ( Sparring, bag work, skip rope, reflex & speed drills ) three time a week. This keeps me sharp & gives my body details and definition that can not be achieved with lifting weights alone. A for cardio, I feel so sorry for those that still believe in steady state cardio for burning fat & building strong heart and lungs. It amazes me how stuck some people get and just cant get unstuck. Still mindlessly chugging away on a treadmill or stair stepper. Meanwhile the body just never changes. Science has proven and taught us, fast explosive movements build a body lean, sculpted & fat free. Please don't be fooled by infomercials and drug using athletes, Sprints, circuit weight training, skipping rope. Etc. that's what will work. I box & skip rope as well as do my H.I.G.T for cardio. Try moving heavy weight using multi joint exercises with little to no rest between sets. No treadmill will ever match that!
5) My stuff- I have come a long way from living in a dingy studio apartment on seventh st, driving a beat up used car. Through hard work, belief in myself, and some luck I have done good for myself. I remind myself daily of the harder times of my life. It keeps me sharp, motivated, and excited about the future.
6) My style- Yeah I am a jeans and T-shirt guy, but that isn't what I mean by style. By style I mean my way of living life and seeing the world as a grown man. I believe in honoring my wife and our marriage vows. "Honor and Respect, baby."
I believe in loyalty and commitment. I dream "big" because that's the only way I can. I believe each and everyday I will be better. I believe in respecting but not idolizing, I feel sad for those that make excuses for not believing the same. I don't hold grudges and I don't hate, I will not carry those burdens. I love my boxers, Zoe & Hayden, the quest for adventure and loyalty that they posses, I believe are traits every human should also strive for. I have heroes that I admire and try to be like, they are my parents. Without them I could never be the man that I am today!
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Thanks to guest model: Mattsmom