1) Give the readers of AbFitt some background information: Name, age, gym, years training.
Cathy(Cat) Hall 49 yrs old...been training seriously 3 yrs
2) Tell us how you got started in weight & fitness training.
I've always enjoyed weight training and being somewhat fit..when I could fit it in...
Raising a family makes it a little more challenging to have a very regimented training
schedule....After my children became young adults, I decided to focus on myself a little
more...joined the local gym....started going 3 days a week...soon became 4-5 days...
and I now am in 6-7 days a week...and love it!
3) Can you talk about your current training & cardio routine.
I currently train 6-7 days a week...If i train 7 one of those is all cardio...
3-4 are twice ins...Chest/ back /shoulders...each once/week ...Heavy legs once..plyos/once week... On the twice ins I do extra cardio the second time and throw in my abs or calves at that time...Cardio is 1-2hrs/day depending on if I'm building/cutting or if it's once or twice/day...
4) A hot topic when we focus on a local athlete is always nutrition. Talk about your diet & supplementation.
I eat a very hight protein diet...5-6 small meals..egg whites/tuna/chicken/tilapia for protein..green veggies...3 times/day...carbs oats/sweet potato/brown rice/flax or multi-grain bread...2 times/day...
My supplementation consists of...
Whey protein...one/day/post w/o
Whey casein blend..last "meal"/day...
Animal Cuts or OxyelitPro fat burner twice /day when cutting
Mulitvitamin/fish oil/glucosamine/calcium
5) what are your future goals related to training.
I am currently studying for the ACE personal training certification and have made the decision to compete spring '11 for the first time...
6) What advice would you give to a beginner in the early stages of his/her training.
Train hard...find what drives you and never lose sight of that....Be patient for results...it is a process and make sure you keep the nutrition end in check...allot of people starting their training feel the training in itself is enough..when in fact the nutrition is the much bigger picture...
Thanks for sharing with AbFitt.