Well science has come a long way since those days and we now know how beneficial weight training and to be more specific, high intensity training is to our overall mental and physical well being. I like to say "fitness is the true fountain of youth". Personally I find cardio training on treadmills and long runs extremely boring. Not to mention as soon as you stop the run you no longer burn calories or fat, as with weights and boxing, (anaerobic training) you continue to burn calories hours after your workout. So I choose to follow up my H.I.G.T program with boxing. Being a former pro fighter I understand the training and how to apply it, in order to specifically benefit my body type, as I do for clients.
Not to mention boxing is simply put, fun. A host of benefits are achieved with each session. Greater hand eye coordination, speed and reflexes. A core workout unlike any ab exercise created. The list goes on and on. Now remember..high intensity weight training first, immediately followed by my boxing for fitness training. Your on your way.