Back To Basics.....Build A Better Back. Here's How.

Mass Building Back Workouts

Here you will find numerous workouts that you can try in the gym. Give them a shot and see which works best for you. Remember, not all exercises or workouts will work for everyone, each person’s muscles respond differently to the stimulation of a workout; therefore, you will need to play with different exercises and different rep ranges.

Workout #1

Wide Grip Pulldowns 3×8-12
Close Grip Pulldowns 3×8-12
Wide Grip Barbell Rows 3×8-12
Close Grip Dumbbell Rows 3×8-12
Barbell Shrugs 3×8-12

Workout #2

Wide Grip Pulldowns 3×8-12
Neutral Grip Pulldowns 3×8-12
Wide Grip Dumbbell Row 3×8-12
T-bar Rows 3×8-12
Dumbbell Shrugs 3×8-12

Workout #3

Wide Grip Pull-up 3×8-12
Close Grip Chin-up3x8-12
Smith Machine Wide Grip Row 3×8-12
Smith Machine Close Grip Row 3×8-12
Smith Machine Shrugs 3×8-12

Workout #4 – Bodyweight Workout

Close Grip Pull-up 3×8-12
Wide Grip Chin-up 3×8-12
Straight Arm Cable Pullover 3×8-12
T-bar Row 3×8-12
Barbell Shrugs 3×8-12

Workout #5 – Smith Machine Workout

Assisted Pull-up 3×8-12
Assisted Chin-up 3×8-12
Barbell Stiff-leg Deadlift 3×8-12
Barbell Upright Row 3×8-12
Dumbbell Pullover 3×8-12