I train to be better!
Most training programs play it on the safe side, assuming that people will only push themselves so hard for so long. Well here at ABFITT, my motto, our motto is a simple one. Live fit, be fit! What that means is nothing worth having comes easy. A fit, strong, lean, muscular, fat free body comes with a price. How much in sweat and time are you willing to pay?
Introducing H.I.A/A.G.T.....high intensity anaerobic/aerobic group training, the little brother with an attitude to H.I.G.T!
This training routine is on opposite days of weight training days.
Group one
3 min skip rope
25 close grip push-ups
10 dumbbell squat-presses (challenging weight)
15 dumbbell squat-presses (half of previous weight)
30 second rest
Group two
1 1/2 min skip rope
25 wide grip push-ups
10 dumbbell squat-presses (challenging weight)
15 dumbbell squat-presses (half of previous weight)
1 1/2 min skip rope
30 second rest
Group 3
1 min skip rope
25 close grip push up
1 min skip rope
10 dumbbell squat-presses (challenging weight)
1 min skip rope
15 dumbbell squat-presses (half of previous weight)
30 second rest
Repeat all three groups. For a total of six sets.....
Protein At Every Meal
I eat protein at every meal—including whey protein, if possible, or BCAAs. Most personal trainers will encourage clients to maintain a positive nitrogen balance via protein intake every two to three hours to enable muscle growth and disable lean-tissue catabolism. What most clients don’t know, however, is that solid food can take many hours to digest, which leaks protein into the bloodstream much too slowly.
Studies show that with many foods you assimilate only four to seven grams of protein per hour. That’s a recipe for crippled nitrogen balance, which leads to slower recovery and growth.
For a faster anabolic response, it’s best to have a small whey protein shake or at least some branched-chain amino acid capsules along with most of your solid-food meals. Those fast protein sources flood your bloodstream and start rebuilding muscle immediately.
How about between solid-food meals?
We recommend a whey-egg-and-casein blend so you get the benefit of all protein fractions and a fast-and-slow muscle-feeding effect. And don’t forget fast carbs and fast protein immediately after you train to jump-start anabolic recovery.
Supplemental know how for a lean muscular body.
In addition to using whey protein, casein protein, soy protein and waxy maize starch, there are certain specialty supplements you need to take to ensure that you gain the mass you wish during the winter bulking times.
Branched-chain amino acids:
The BCAAs comprise the three amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine, which happen to be the three most important amino acids for repairing and building of muscle tissue. Leucine is the most critical of the three, as research shows that this amino acid can turn on muscle protein synthesis by itself. It’s still best to take all three together though, as they work in synergy to provide a multitude of benefits that include muscle growth, increased energy during workouts, blunting of cortisol (a catabolic hormone that inhibits testosterone and increases muscle breakdown), and decreased delayed onset muscle soreness. Take 5-10 g of BCAAs with your first breakfast (protein shake), your preworkout and your postworkout shakes and dinner.
Research confirms that one of the most effective supplements you can use is creatine. Plain and simple, taking creatine can help you gain upward of 10 pounds of lean muscle and boost your strength in the gym by at least 10%. Go with 3-5 g of creatine with your pre-and postwork out shakes.
In the body, the amino acid beta-alanine is combined with the amino acid histidine to form carnosine. Research confirms that when muscles have higher levels of carnosine, they have more strength and endurance, and that athletes taking beta-alanine increase muscle strength significantly, allowing for heavier lifting and, thus, more muscle growth.
New research indicates that when trained subjects take beta-alanine in addition to creatine, they gain more muscle (and simultaneously lose some bodyfat, as well) as compared to those taking just creatine alone. Take 1-2 g of beta-alanine or carnosine with your pre-and postworkout shakes.
NO boosters:
Nitric oxide is a molecule that has the ability to dilate (widen) blood vessels, which allows more blood flow to muscles along with more oxygen, more nutrients and more anabolic hormones. This means greater energy during workouts, with an enhanced muscle pump, not to mention better muscle recovery and growth afterward. NO boosters do not actually contain NO, but mainly the amino acid arginine, which is readily converted to NO in the body. Research has found that subjects given arginine increased muscle strength and muscle growth, as well as decreased bodyfat. Look for an NO booster that provides 3-5 g of arginine and consider NO boosters that provide other ingredients that enhance arginine’s ability to increase NO (such as citruline, Pycnogenol and American ginseng). Take one dose in the morning before breakfast, one dose about 30-60 minutes before workouts and one dose 30-60 minutes before bed.
Once considered just a fat-loss supplement, carnitine is now known as an anabolic supplement, as well. That’s because it helps to enhance muscle growth through a number of mechanisms. For one, carnitine increases testosterone levels after workouts, as well as the number of testosterone receptors inside muscle cells, which allows more testosterone to stimulate more muscle growth. In addition, carnitine supplements have been found to increase the ability of insulinlike growth factor-I to stimulate muscle growth. If that’s not enough, it can also increase blood flow, which means it provides similar benefits to NO boosters. Take 1-3 g of carnitine with your first breakfast (protein shake), preworkout shake, postworkout shake and dinner.
Live Fit, Be Fit.....
The Iron is the best antidepressant I have ever found. There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength. Once the mind and body have been awakened to their true potential, it’s impossible to turn back. The Iron never lies to you. You can walk outside and listen to all kinds of talk, get told that you’re a god or a total bastard. The Iron will always kick you the real deal. The Iron is the great reference point, the all-knowing perspective giver. Always there like a beacon in the pitch black. I have found the Iron to be my greatest friend. It never freaks out on me, never runs. Friends may come and go. But two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds. – Henry Rollins.
Things I wish I could have told my younger self!
The hardest part of training a woman is not getting her to do the work, but to get her to change her way of thinking when it comes to fitness, lifting weights, supplements and proper eating. So as with earlier this month with guest writer Janet Lee, 54 mother of seven and simply shredded I am again featuring a lovely lady that has got it right. Let me introduce AbFitt readers to Selina from "Jersey" my home State. I enjoyed one of her blogs so much I decided to re-print it. This lady has got it dialed in. Enjoy!!!
Like they say, hindsight is always 20-20. There are a few simple things I have learned that I wish I could have told myself when I was younger. (Even though I probably wouldn’t have listened). Although I must say I wouldn’t change much about where I am today, so I can’t completely bash the path I took to get here… even if it was the long road at times. I’m sure this list will just continue to grow throughout my life.
-Stop with all the cardio- it’s not the best way to "get in shape". What is left after you burn off all the fat and some of the muscle?-yuck- you don’t like that look.
-Pick up some weights…Don’t just pick up weights, pick up some MF-ing HEAVY weights- as heavy as possible.
-Just because you are in your 30’s doesn’t mean you have to accept the start of the aging process, or use it as an excuse. You can have a better physique than you did in your 20’s with hard work and proper nutrition. Don’t blame cellulite on your genetics, you can get rid of it.
-Get out of that f-ing tanning bed, and stop burning yourself!- put on some sunscreen for God-sakes.
-Put that vodka down and step away from the counter! Stop chugging it, 2-3 drinks are not better than 1 (no alcohol is better than 1) and you’ll thank me in the morning. Literally it is poison that your body has to work to detoxify. Full of empty calories- no better way to pack on fat and cellulite.
-Eat more- it speeds up your metabolism. Eat throughout the day, every 2-3h, instead of pigging out at night.
-Do you even know what a serving portion is?-Research and start measuring.
-Do you have any clue how many cals you take in or the breakdown of macro nutrients?- Start to count and log.
-Put down all that processed sh**, filled with trans-fats, sugar, and who know what else…. and eat some REAL food.
-PROTEIN!- Plus whey protein- it’s the key, and eat lots of it!
-Water- drink it and lots of it.
-Good fats don’t make you fat- quite the contrary.
-Caffeine is your friend
-Supplements- absolutely necessary for the body to repair from all that trauma.
-Throw out the scale and just look in the mirror!!!!…it’s not about a stupid number, it’s all about the body composition.
-Go workout after work- you’ll feel better and have more energy. Make it a routine and priority- there is nothing more important than taking care of yourself.
-Surround yourself with positive people with similar goals. Don’t listen to negativity or judgements….misery likes company.
-Research and learn from others, make changes and don’t be afraid of failure- learn from the mistakes you make, because you will make them.
-Guest AbFitt writer Selina
Richard Seymour's/Fit School...Fit Facts.
RichFit/Fit Fact#1
Barbell squats below parallel, barbell deadlifts and the bench Press. These are the biggest and baddest movements you can do in the gym, no other three exercisers will engage more muscle fibers create more tension & stress on the body. For a lean, muscular fat free body try these monster movements.
Nutrition is a science. The more you educate yourself, the more power and freedom you have in changing your body. Remember, food is the greatest tool when it comes to controlling your body’s hormonal functions. Every time you eat or drink, there is a hormonal response of some kind. You truely are what you put in your body. Eat smart.
OK you asked for it AbFitt readers...here is my H.I.G.T workout.
This is my H.I.G.T workout, you will perform this routine 3 days per week with one day in between. On those off days you will need to perform only 30 min of cardio vascular training, IE: running, jump rope, etc etc. This is more advanced however, you have built yourself up for this and should be ready.
OUR GOAL: build new lean tissue, torch fat, increase overall cardiovascular condition and dramatically change your body fat levels and overall composition. We do it with H.I.G.T= High Intensity group training( heavy weight, low rep ranges ) six weeks ONLY!!!!!! This will burn you out if done any longer. Injuries and other health issues will hinder any results if done for more than six weeks.
* 3 sets per group, exercises performed back> to back>. 30-50 sec max rest between sets. Increase in weight for each exercise, each set. Our goal is to recruit type two fibers. Rep range 4-12 on Training days #1 & #3. Rep range 4-8 on training day #2 (heavy weight & only two exercises performed in a group)
Group one: Focus muscle-chest, secondary-shoulders...
flat bench dumbbell presses legs elevated off floor> seated front dumbell shoulder raises. standing dumbbell side lateral raises> standing dumbbell upright row.
*Now rest 30 seconds, increase weight repeat*
Group two: Primary muscle-shoulder, secondary-chest...
seated military dumbbell press> incline bench press> plate or dumbbell shoulder shrugs> shoulder tri set super-set ( grab five lb plates hold one in each hand, seated one arm at a time perform 6 fast, yet controlled front raises then side raises. repeat with left arm. Now perform six bent over lateral shoulder raises)
*Now rest 30 seconds, increase weight repeat*
Group three: Primary muscle-Biceps, secondary-triceps..phasing out chest and shoulders........
Standing barbell curl> tri cep kick back> incline push ups. ( when performing push ups mix up your hand & feet positions to hit the chest and shoulder muscle's at different angles, have a partner place a weight plate on your back for added intensity)*Now rest 30 seconds, increase weight repeat*
Group four: Primary muscle-triceps, secondary-biceps.....
Triceps cable press down> pull up> push up> weighted speed punches ( grab two two pound weights, hold one in each hand. Now take a fighters stance and throw left right punches fast for 30 seconds )*Now rest 30 seconds, increase weight repeat*
Group five: Primary muscle-Quads, secondary-back...
barbell deep squats> pull ups> 45lb plate alternate lunge.*Now rest 30 seconds, increase weight repeat*
Group six: Primary muscle-hamstrings, secondary-back....
Bent over barbell row> stiff legged dead lift> dumbbell or kettle ball one arm squat & press.*Now rest 30 seconds, increase weight repeat*
On training days #1 & #3 following this workout we complete abdominal work. Remember your abs have been worked in every exercise you just performed so they are fatigued. So we hit them briefly, but with intensity and from angles.
Take your fitness, your body, your mind to the next level.
6 Steps To A Summer 6 Pack
#1 Differentiate Healthy Eating & Healthy “Fat Loss” Eating.
A common misconception amongst dieters is distinguishing the difference between healthy eating and healthy “fat loss” eating. Agreed, many antioxidant fruits and free radical fighting vegetables are beneficial to the human body but in most case their calorific values spill over the restrictions that should be in place for a fat burning environment. Calorie dense carbohydrate vegetables such as yams and potatoes should be restricted to the earlier portion of the day so you have adequate time to burn off the energy that is stored in these foods. For obvious reasons if these calories aren’t utilized through physical movement you can bet your bottom dollar that the insulation covering those asphyxiated abs will get even thicker than Joe Weider’s wallet.
#2 Keep Clear Of Anything That Ends With “ose”.
“An apple a day keeps the dentist/doctor away” are words that have been echoed for years by health conscious parents trying to educate children that fruit is good for our bodies.
This bears true for the most part but the fructose found in fruits is an insulin spiking ingredients which bear the similar consequences of eating table sugar – you can get fat. Sucrose (table sugar), Lactose (sugar found in milk) and fructose (sugar found in fruit) are all adversary’s that should be eradicated from the fat loss battle field to be victorious of soldier worthy six packs. All foods contaminated with these sugars are shuttled into the blood stream at such a rate that they excessively spill over into the fat stores waiting to be burnt if by its master. If you are such an individual that already has enough fat deposits to mask your hard earned muscle, then why add more ammunition against your cause.
#3 Eat Heartily Whilst Accumulating Less Calories.
A pizza and coke can add up to the whole daily requirement of calories in one sitting, now if you tried to splurge on the equal amount of calories by eating chicken and salad you may feel as sick as a bulimic sufferer after consuming a double Big Mac meal, therefore with these kind of healthy food options you can eat heartedly my friends. Every time the body is stressed with the burden of digesting food the core temperature raises mimicking a thermogenic effect. Much like a kettle element heating up, this requires energy or in our case – calories. In essence, every time we eat we are burning fat so it makes sense for us to eat small, low calorie foods at frequent intervals to provide an environment where the body can burn fat much more efficiently.
Less Calories In + More Calories Burned = Fat Loss
#4 Eat Right For Your Type.
Various foods can affect the body differently for various blood types so I recommend eating right for you type. Some foods can prove as beneficial, neutral or high on the avoid list so I would suggest purchasing the book “eat right for you type” and incorporate some of the beneficial and neutral foods whilst eradicating the “avoid” nutrients. I have trained many clients that are almost in contest condition for a bodybuilding show only they are covered in thin layer of fat and/or water and as soon as I exchanged chicken for fish – e.g. b blood type, the striations that were there all along started to reveal themselves. Try this for several weeks and you may be surprised on your positive mental and physical transformation.
#5 Eat Fat To Lose Fat.
The speed in which the body digests food can result in an insulin spike and an overload of calories to be transported into fat. The correct fats have a role that can prove very beneficial to the dieter if consumed in the right amount at the right time and for this purpose I recommend Flaxseed oil. Flaxseed oil taken with carbohydrates can slow down the digestion of these calories entering the blood stream thus minimizing the risk of fat inducing insulin spikes. One teaspoon is recommended for an individual that is under 20% body fat whilst ½ spoon is advised for people who are over this amount. This can be added to meals as a dressing or can be added to your favorite protein shakes. When purchasing Flaxseed oil, be sure to choose one that requires refrigeration and is packaged in a dark bottle to prevent light damage.
#6 Glycemic Index.
The Glycemic Index is the chart that measures the rate a calorie is released into the body. This should also be adhered to in order to minimize the possibility of an unwanted insulin spike. Carbohydrates are the nutrients that should be chosen carefully from the List below in order to fully benefit from the foods that can assist you with your weight loss potential.
Desirable Foods
Coarse European -Style, Whole Grain wheat or Rye Pita Bread, Cracked or Sprouted Whole wheat
Compact noodle-like high bran cereals (All-Bran, Fiber One) Coarse Oatmeal, Porridge, Coarse Whole Grain (Kashi) Cereal mixed with Psyllium (Fiberwise)
Pasta, Grains and Starchy Vegetables:
Pasta (all types) Barley, Bulgur, Buckwheat (kasha) Couscous, Kidney Beans dry, (Lentils, Black-eyed peas, Chick-peas Kidney beans, Lima beans, Peas, Sweet Potato, Yam (soybeans lowest) Most Vegetables.
Milk Products:
Skim, 1%, cottage cheese, (lowfat or regular), Buttermilk, Low-fat plain yogurt, Low-fat fruited yogurt, Low-fat frozen yogurt ( artificial sweetener)
Shellfish, “white” fish (cod, flounder, trout, tuna in water), Chicken, turkey, Cornish hen, venison (white meat no skin), Egg substitutes (cholesterol free) cottage cheese
Moderately Desirable
100% Stone Ground whole Wheat, Pumpernickel, 100% whole grain Rye Crisp Cracker
Grape-nut cereal, medium-fine grain oatmeal, (5-minute variety)
Pasta, Grains and Starchy Vegetables:
Rice, Boiled Potato, Corn Navy beans, Kidney beans (canned), Baked beans. Beets.
Milk Products:
2% milk, cheese, Regular plain yogurt
Banana, Kiwi, Mango, papaya, orange juice.
Higher fat fish, (salmon, herring, lean cuts of Beef, Pork, Veal. Low-fat imitation luncheon meat, low-fat. cheese, Eggs.
Less Desirable Foods
White bread, most commercial whole wheat breads, English muffins, bagel, French bread, most commercial matzoh
Corn flakes, puffed rice, puffed wheat, flaked cereals, instant “Quick” or pre-cooked cereals. Oatbran, rolled oats. Shredded wheat, Muesli.
Pasta, Grains and Starchy Vegetables:
Instant rice, Brown rice, instant precooked grains, Baked potato, micro-waved potato, instant potato, Winter squash (acorn, butternut), carrots, parsnips.
Milk Products:
Whole milk, ice milk, ice cream, Yogurt sweetened with sugar, Low-fat frozen desserts with sugar added, Low-fat and regular frozen yogurt with sugar added. Tofu ice cream.
Pineapple, raisins, watermelon, fruit juices sweetened with sugar.
Most cuts of beef, pork, lamb, hot dogs (including “low-fat’ versions) cheese, luncheon meats, peanut
54 year old, mother of seven. Inspiration anyone!!
Guest AbFitt writer & model Janet Lee.
Just for women.......no excuses!
I've heard it all.
My age........I am...
My health......I have...
I've had kids....how many?
I could never.....why not?
I heard it all when I was thirty! Working out and being active have to be a lifestyle and a commitment.
In our 20's our body is strong. You can actually get away with abusing it.
By our 30's exercise become the #1 preventative medicine and fountain of youth.
The 40's for women bring a triple dose of reality - gravity, hormonal changes, and an even slower metabolism.
50's? The typical woman's body bears the signs of that lower metabolism -a pot belly and drooping everywhere!
Not a pretty site? I am here to tell you it doesn't have to be that way! Ever. The cardio and weight bearing exercises you do today, no matter what age you are, will produce the body you will have 10,20, 30 years from now. It affects your health , your longevity and how you look!
Okay. So, you look at me and say "How would she know?"
I am 54 and I have seven (yes, 7) biological children. I have been working out since my 20's.
I love what I do.
I recently had a gentleman ask me "Why do you put your body through such torture?" I laughed.
To me the torture would be looking and feeling like the typical 50 year old woman!
I supplement. I drink whey protein. I schedule my workouts as if they were my most important business appointments. I love split routines - legs one day, core another, upper body the next - so I can challenge myself in intensity every time I walk into the gym.
My favorite body part is abs. I love proving to women that you can have kids and still be sexy and muscular.
My question to ask all of you: " Did you have a kick-ass workout today?" Because if you didn't you cheated your body of that one day to become its very best.
Age is a Number, not an Excuse - my line. JLee
Women's Weight Training Myth's exposed!
Woman's Weight Training Myth #1 -Weight training makes you bulky and masculine.
Due to the fact that women do not, and cannot, naturally produce as much testosterone (one of the main hormones responsible for increasing muscle size) as males do, it is impossible for a woman to gain huge amounts of muscle mass by merely touching some weights. Unfortunately, the image that may come to your mind is that of professional female bodybuilders. Most of these women, unfortunately, use anabolic steroids (synthetic testosterone) along with other drugs in order to achieve that high degree of muscularity. In addition, most also have good genetics coupled with an unbelievable work ethic that enable them to gain muscle quickly when they spend hours in the gym lifting very heavy weights. Believe me when I say that they do not look like that by accident. Women who conduct weight training without the use of steroids get the firm and fit cellulite-free looking body that you see in most fitness/figure shows these days.
#2 - Exercise increases your chest size.
Sorry girls. Women’s breasts are composed mostly of fatty tissue. Therefore, it is impossible to increase breast size through weight training. As a matter of fact, if you go below 12 percent body fat, your breast size will decrease. Weight training does increase the size of the back, so this misconception probably comes from confusing an increase in back size with an increase in cup size. The only way to increase your breast size is by gaining fat or getting breast implants.
#3 - Weight training makes you stiff and musclebound.
If you perform all exercises through their full range of motion, flexibility will increase. Exercises like flyes, stiff-legged deadlifts, dumbbell presses, and chin-ups stretch the muscle in the bottom range of the movement. Therefore, by performing these exercises correctly, your stretching capabilities will increase.
Myth #4 - If you stop weight training your muscles turn into fat.
This is like saying that gold can turn into brass. Muscle and fat are two totally different types of tissue. What happens many times is that when people decide to go off their weight training programs they start losing muscle due to inactivity (use it or lose it) and they also usually drop the diet as well. Therefore bad eating habits combined with the fact that their metabolism is lower due to inactivity, and lower degrees of muscle mass, give the impression that the subject’s muscle is being turned into fat while in reality what is happening is that muscle is being lost and fat is being accumulated.
Myth #5 - Weight training turns fat into muscle.
More alchemy. This is the equivalent of saying that you can turn any metal into gold; don't we wish! The way a body transformation occurs is by gaining muscle through weight training and losing fat through aerobics and diet simultaneously. Again, muscle and fat are very different types of tissue. We cannot turn one into the other.
Women's Weight Training Myth #6 - As long as you exercise you can eat anything that you want.
How I wish this were true also! However, this could not be further from the truth. Our individual metabolism determines how many calories we burn at rest and while we exercise. If we eat more calories than we burn on a consistent basis, our bodies will accumulate these extra calories as fat regardless of the amount of exercise that we do. This myth may have been created by people with such high metabolic rates (hardgainers) that no matter how much they eat or what they eat, they rarely meet or exceed the amount of calories that they burn in one day unless they put their mind to doing so. Therefore, their weight either remains stable or goes down. If you are confused about nutrition, please read Nutrition Basics.
Myth #7 - Women only need to do cardio and if they decide to lift weights, they should be very light.
First of all, if you only did cardio then muscle and fat would be burned for fuel. One needs to do weights in order to get the muscle building machine going and thus prevent any loss of muscle tissue. Women that only concentrate on cardio will have a very hard time achieving the look that they want. As far as the lifting of very light weights, this is just more nonsense. Muscle responds to resistance and if the resistance is too light, then there will be no reason for the body to change.
Women Should Train Hard
I have trained with girls (my wife in particular) that train as hard as I do and they look nothing but feminine. If you want to look great, don't be afraid to pick up the weights and lift hard!
Three key factors to building your best body ever!
Training Volume
Control your workouts. Training volume can have a direct impact on cortisol levels. If you’re overtraining, you’re taking your body past the point where you can make the best gains. Follow these rules to make the most of your muscle-building regimen.
* Limit weight training to four sessions per week. Training more frequently prevents the body from attaining a full recovery.
* Keep sessions to about an hour. When you perform too many sets and exercises in a given session, you can break down your muscle tissue too much. Limiting the length of your training sessions helps avoid this.
* Emphasize multijoint movements. Exercises such as squats, deadlifts and bench presses are the most effective at stimulating muscle growth while helping to limit total training volume. They also best stimulate growth hormone (GH) and testosterone, which can help blunt cortisol.
* Avoid excessive pumping and finishing movements. When you perform numerous sets and reps of these types of exercises, you can raise your cortisol levels too high without stimulating as much muscle growth. Try to keep pumping and finishing movements to no more than three sets per bodypart at the end of the workout.
Excessive Cardio
Be careful with your cardio, If cardio exercise burned only bodyfat, then you could hop on a bike and cycle your way into the record books as the most ripped human ever. The problem is, though, that prolonged and excessive cardio causes an increase in cortisol, and this situation can begin to prioritize muscle tissue as an energy source, tearing it down instead of helping to build it.
How much is too much cardio?
I’d say anything more than five sessions a week and try to keep it to no more than four times per week when you’re not being strict with your diet. Thirty minutes per session is also enough, except when you’re trying to get really ripped.
Eat Six Meals A Day
The benefits of eating multiple meals per day are numerous. Besides allowing you to stay lean, a diet strategy of smaller and more frequent meals has been shown to keep cortisol levels lower than less-frequent feedings. Multiple meals at any calorie level will result in greater cortisol control than less-frequent meals, and we know keeping cortisol in check yields less fat, more muscle, better recovery and more energy.
Strive to take in six meals per day throughout all phases of your training program.
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