Guest Writer..Sandy Urland..Real life fitness!!

I'm the lady from PA and I look forward to my workouts in the morning. It's my alone time. I work 40+ hours a week plus my job at home being a mom and wife which takes up a lot of time! The only time I have to myself is in the morning before everyone else gets up.

Working out has always been a part of my life. I don't ever want to be fat and out of's one of my biggest fears but I do like my sweets and this is how I can enjoy them and not feel so guilty.

Working out makes me feel good, wakes me up in the morning, keeps me strong and tone, keeps me younger and healthier. There is nothing bad about it.

I work out at home because it's convenient, inexpensive and I can do it on my time and not have to worry about driving anywhere. The key to working out at home though is variety. I have all kinds of workout videos/dvds from kickboxing, pilates, weight training, step aeorbics, dance, and cardio plus I run on a treadmill and ride bike (indoor and out). I sometimes do 10-15 minutes of each that way I don't get bored. I workout for at least 60-90 minutes 5 times a week. I used to work out 7 days a week but that was when all I believed in was cardio. Over time I have learned that you must weight train also. It's good for your muscles and helps you burn fat faster! My husband used to always tell me this and I would never listen to him but then I started reading Women's Health Magazines and found out that he was right!

Remember, there is always time to squeeze in a workout. Keep your body healthy and fit - you'll live a better life!

Sandy Urland